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Taking Spot‑on’s New Products on Tour Around Australia

November 5 2014

We've been taking our new stuff around the country last week, showing them to stores and users.

Our new, Mitre 10-exclusive Centre Point range, which includes not just laser tools but accessories as well, were welcomed by Thornton's in Denmark, WA. They're now available in‑store, and we've installed a display stand for them as well. So if you're curious and want to find out more about them in person, pay the guys a visit.

Centre Point Display at Thornton's Mitre 10, Denmark, WA

We were also at the recent demo day held by Total Tools Wagga Wagga in New South Wales. Showed customers our diesel products — generator, pumps, pressure washer — as well as laser levels and inspection equipment.

Spot‑on stand at Total Tools Wagga Demo Day

We'll be back for more in Sydney later this week. Our next stops will be Insiders' Nights at Total Tools Taren Point and Penrith. Come on down and check out our stuff. Our reps can chat with you and give you help and info on products.

Colin McMillan

National Sales Manager
Colin’s near 30 years of experience in the tool market, on both sides of the retailer–supplier relationship, allows him to constantly come up with unique marketing approaches to retailing products.