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Spot-on Lasers Now Available in More Stores Around Australia

May 15 2015

It's been a while. And during said while, we've been keeping ourselves busy, going around Australia installing more in‑store displays, and putting our products in front of more customers. Here are just a few examples.

Close to our home here in Victoria, we helped set up one of Total Tools' latest stores in Mildura.

Fitted out the upcoming Total Tools store in Mildura, VIC. Keep an eye out for dates soon!

Posted by Spot-on Laser and Tool Company on Sunday, 8 February 2015

We also helped get the laser display at their Gregory Hills, NSW store up and running.

Helped fit out another upcoming Total Tools store! This time in Narellan, NSW.

Posted by Spot-on Laser and Tool Company on Sunday, 22 February 2015

The guys at Specialty Fasteners in Canberra have been friends of ours for a while. Not only have we put in a rather complete range with them, but we also helped them out with a trade event.

Make sure to visit Specialty Fasteners today in Fyshwick, and catch up with Jamie and Stuart from the Spot‑on sales team.

Posted by Spot-on Laser and Tool Company on Friday, 20 March 2015

Specialty Fasteners has a wide selection of our laser levels on display at Fyshwick, ACT! If you’re in the area and want to get to know our products a bit more in person, give them a visit.

Posted by Spot-on Laser and Tool Company on Sunday, 29 March 2015

Further away in WA, the Belmont Toolmart store now has a wide range of our laser levels, measurement tools, and accessories on display.

How’s this for a display at Toolmart Belmont WA. Make sure to check it out and get great service and deals from all the Toolmart stores.

Posted by Spot-on Laser and Tool Company on Wednesday, 4 February 2015

And we're continuing to roll out our Centre Point range of laser levels to our partners with Mitre 10.

Another day and another store display install. Nortruss NT (a Natbuild member) has had the official install and staff training today, all based on the EXCLUSIVE Center Point range.

Posted by Spot-on Laser and Tool Company on Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Our latest stockist comes in the form of Linden Lea Mitre 10 in Kingscote, SA. Only in Mitre 10 stores will you find our Centre Point products.

Posted by Spot-on Laser and Tool Company on Sunday, 10 May 2015

We've been pushing to get ourselves into more stores, to make our products and services more widely and more readily available, into the hands of more people. We're very happy with and excited about the progress we've made so far this year.

Colin McMillan

National Sales Manager
Colin’s near 30 years of experience in the tool market, on both sides of the retailer–supplier relationship, allows him to constantly come up with unique marketing approaches to retailing products.