Announcing Our Golf Ball Photo Competition Winner!
July 28 2015Ever since the end of June, we've been poring over the entries you guys submitted for the Golf Ball Photo Competition.
For those of you who didn't know and missed out, here's the quick gist of it. Spot‑on had been running a photo competition over the last ten months. After obtaining one of our special golf balls from one of our stockists, contestants (you) took photos with the ball in special, creative, unique places and scenarios, and submitted them to our Facebook page. The best one would be the winner, with the ultimate prize being a jet-powered kayak.
(Yea, if you missed out, you really missed out.)
We got a wide pool of entries. Some of you took the golf ball on overseas trips, and some of you brought it to work with you, taking pictures of it together with your laser levels. In the end though, there's only one kayak, so there can only be one winner:
Congratulations to Mark Timbs. Not just for taking a photo of the golf ball in Hawaii, but actually finishing the Ironman triathlon with it. That really was some dedication.
That said, we still want to express our gratitude to everybody else that took part in this competition, and are extremely thankful for all the effort everyone of you put in. It's been a lot of fun checking out all of your entries, and hopefully you guys enjoyed it as much as we did, even if you didn't win the kayak.
Stay tuned though. You never know when we might run another competition, maybe with even grander prizes.

Here's the Spot‑on Golf Ball snapped @ the Finish of the Ironman World Championship #totaltools #ironman #IM703 #KONA #TRIATHLON #SPOTON #Swiftmiltisport
Posted by Mark Timbs on Friday, 17 October 2014