Spot‑on’s Strategy for Lasers and Tools Highlighted by HNN
March 18 2015Spot‑on was mentioned in the latest editorial by HNN. In their review of market strategies, they included an excerpt of the interview with Mark, highlighting how we work together with retailers to provide more customised, in‑depth products and services for users.
For example, over just the last twelve months, we have:
Worked with Mitre 10 to launch their own exclusive range of Centre Point tools, tailored for their customers and market
Introduced a new loan laser service to tide customers over while their products are in for a service
Started rolling out in‑store calibration checks and training retail staff to speed up service turnaround times
An excerpt from the article:
Where larger retailers present customers with a wide range of products, independents are increasingly seeking out just the “right” products, some of them a little unique.
This approach satisfies those customers who are really looking for inside information on their purchases, rather than buying strictly on price or features. Will the product last, will it perform well, can it be repaired or serviced, is it the latest technology — all these issues are concerns for them.